Cloud Data Center (DC) Programs

Filtering out dependencies noise

AUTHOR: The Easy Agile team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Filtering out dependencies 'noise'

Removing clutter when managing risks

We’re pleased to announce updates to Easy Agile Programs which introduces decluttering enhancements to how you visualize and manage dependencies within your agile programs.

What’s new

  • Hidden done dependencies by default: To improve visibility and reduce clutter, done dependency lines are now hidden by default across all screens. This allows team leads and project managers to focus on active issues that need their attention.

  • Done dependencies available on all screens: You now have the ability to toggle done dependencies on or off from any screen in the app, including the Dependency map.

  • Ability to hide or show same-team dependencies: On the dependency map, visibility of same-team dependencies can now be managed. This extends the feature that exists on the dependency report.

These updates address a key customer challenge: managing the complexity of numerous dependencies without losing sight of high-risk issues.

By filtering out completed or same-team dependencies, team leads can more easily visualize critical paths and ensure their teams are aligned and on track to meet their objectives.

Explore the new features

Dependencies report is available on Cloud and on DC Version 7.0. If you're on an earlier DC version, ask your Jira Administrator install the update. Click here for a guide.

Want to learn more?

Click here to learn more about dependencies visualization.

Click here to learn more about dependencies map.

Click here to learn more about ‘done’ dependencies

Click here to try the features on Easy Agile's Demo Sandbox.


Click here if you have requests or feedback on the Dependencies report.

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