The Easy Agile team
Dependencies reporting v1
Cloud Data Center (DC) Programs

New Dependencies Report Feature

AUTHOR: The Easy Agile team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Dependencies reporting v1

Clear insights into dependency risks

We are excited to announce a major upgrade to Easy Agile Programs with the introduction of a new Reports page.

This page offers two new widgets designed to help program leaders easily identify high-risk dependencies and teams with a high volume of dependencies.

Dependencies health summary

The summary widget offers a snapshot view of the number of Conflict, At risk, Healthy, and External dependencies for the selected program increment and teams.

Team dependencies matrix

The matrix widget reflects the volume of teams' inward and outward dependencies with other teams.

This matrix highlights teams that may be overloaded, which may prompt Release Train Engineers and Scrum Masters to consider reorganizing work or review capacity and resourcing tradeoffs.

The matrix cells can be easily expanded with a click to provide further details, equipping program leaders with the context needed for decision-making and stakeholder discussions.

Key benefits

  • Health Snapshots: Instant visibility into health of dependencies within and across teams with clear indications of risks like overloaded teams, so program leaders can reorganize work to stay on track.

  • Focus Attention: Easily tailor views to focus conversations during PI planning, ART syncs, or stakeholder updates with filters that let you drill into specific dependencies within program increments and teams.

  • Deeper Insights: Simply click into matrix cells to access context and details to facilitate quicker decision-making around interdependencies and risks between teams.

Empower your programs

The Dependency report acts as a central instrument panel for program leaders and teams by cutting through the clutter to highlight areas of concern.

This focus on critical insights allows for proactive management of work that might impact the program increment, ensuring smoother execution and enhanced team coordination.

Explore the new features

Visit the new Reports page to experience how the Dependency Report can transform your program management.

Dependency report is available on Cloud. Stay tuned for the DC release in coming weeks.

Want to learn more?

Click here to learn more about dependencies reports in our help documentation.

Coming soon

There will be more widgets and enhancements to come such as

  • Ability to filter out ‘Done’ dependencies

  • Ability to filter out dependencies within the same team

  • Ability to filter out healthy dependencies from matrix

Let us know by clicking here if you have suggestions or wish to give feedback on the dependencies report.

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